I have decided to reopen my personal blog...
There has been a lot going on lately putting together a Design Team for my web shop blog. Go check out the talented team which will help me inspire other cardmakers through their wonderful work. We have some great themes & ideas for the coming months...
... I wanted to use this blog for more personal stuff, showing my work when entering challenges and such without people being confused about the many authors on the other blog. This blog will be in English only.
I did take away all the old posts (frankly, I was a bit too embarassed about my early work - haha!) - but I couldn't make myself remove the sweet post about my cat Harry stealing my cards ... See previous post! (almost two years ago!)
Lets celebrate the reopening of this blog with a giveaway - shall we?
Leave a comment on this post (only) by 5th of April and you'll get a chance to win this:
and some lovely washi tape.
Everybody can enter regardless the country ;)
And now for some celebration cards ;)

The next one is a simple tag I made stamping the dress from the Kiss from the Sun set on canvas for some fun texture...
And here is a close up..
Thanks for stopping by...
"Welcome back" sweetie :)
Halløjsa... velkommen tilbage med DENNE blog... det bliver hyggeligt at følge dig og misserne igen. Knuz
Uhh, det ser jeg frem til, er helt vild med dit arbejde.
Velkommen tilbage.
Jeg glæder mig til at se dit arbejde her også!; )
God weekend.
Hejsa - og du er straks tilføjet mine favoritter....
Velkommen tilbage, glæder mig til at følge dit flotte arbejde på denne her blog også :-)
Hej Pia,
hvor dejligt at se dig blogge :o))
Jeg er helt vildt me den måde du stempler. Jeg fik jo kigget dig lidt over skulderne på Convention ... og jeg kan kun sige: Meget inspirerende !!!
Knuzz Maj-Britt
Velkommen, her er jo ligeså hyggeligt :))og super dejligt med mere inspiration og flere at dine skønne kreationer af alle slags ;)
Ser helt sikkert frem til at følge dig her også.
Ha´ en rigtig dejlig weekend :)
Det var da herligt at du genåbnede den, så er der endnu et sted at besøge :-)
Godt du er tilbage........ glæder mig til også at følge dig her. god weekend. KH 10na
Hej Pia!
Så må det vist være tid til at jeg også skriver en hilsen til dig...! Jeg har jo fulgt med længe på din anden blog - du laver bare de FLOTTESTE kort! Dejligt at der nu er TO steder, jeg kan se dine skønne kreationer!
Hyggeligt at møde dig i storcenteret igår!
Super cute card, and congrats on starting your blog again! :-) Will be following this one also! :-)
Det blver dejligt at følge med igen. Du laver så mange fine og spændende ting. Så VELKOMMEN tilbage.
God weekend.
Jeg er vild med det hvide stempel på det blomstrede papir. det ser hammergodt ud. Great giveaway.
Hej Pia
Velkommen tilbage med denne blog. Imponerende at du har tid til 2 blogs. Jeg kan ikke engang overkomme en.
Jeg glæder mig til at følge den :-)
Stort knus
I love your work!! I will subscribe to this blog as well!
Hey Pia... Just great with one more page with your fantastic cards. Can't get enough of them :-)
Hej Pia. Glæder mig til at følge med i din "nye" blog. Sikke en skøn kat du har, har også en der er vild med bånd :)
Skønt med endnu en blog med dine kreationer. Det er altid super god inspiration... Rigtig flotte kort du har lavet. Go weekend.
Dejligt du er tilbage med denne blog, hvor jeg glæder mig til at se dine flotte kreationer.
Pia, congratulations with your new blog. Really like both your new and your "old" blog. You have fun with it.
Hej... glæder mig til at følge dig her med dine skønne kreationer og dejlig inspiration. Sikke en sød mis der holder dit kort.
Ha en dejlig weekend
Super skønne kort og velkommen tilbage til din egen blog! Glæder mig til, at følge med her også!
God weekend!
det er nogle vildt lækre stempler som jeg godt kunne tænke mig :-D
glæder mig i øvrigt til at følge med her på din blog,
ha' en go' dag
Beautiful cards Pia! I finally have you in my sidebar too. I really love the starburst lace stamp on patterned paper and will try that myself! Please don't enter me into the draw.
Have a nice weekend!
Velkommen tilbake, Pia! Fantastiske kort du har laget her, jeg gleder meg til å følge din "nye" blog!
Det var da en god nyhed : ) Velkommen tilbage, glæder mig til at følge dig her på din helt egen blog : )
Velkommen tilbage :-) skønne kort som altid. Glæder mig til at følge dig her også. Vi ses jo snart :-)
Knus Kirsten
Glæder mig til også at kunne se noget at dine mere private projekter. Du er bare så dygtig.
hej Pia
Glæder mig til at følge dig herinde også
Knus Rikke
Halløj Pia
Det er da bare herligt at kunne følge dig hele 2 steder :-)
Hej Pia. Vil med spænding fløge din private blog, også.
Som du sikkert også har opdaget, er jeg også total vild med stemplerne fra Hero Art, og du har jo så mange gode ideer.
Knus Helle Åbyen
velkommen tilbage :)
Jeg glæder mig til at se hvad du får kreeret af lækkerier herinde.
Ih hvor er de kort bare lækre, som altid :)
Glæder mig til også at følge din private blog :)
Rigtig dejlig søndag
Hi Pia! Glad to see you back and looking forward to following your personal blog as well. Love the cards you have here- that starburst stamp looks lovely in white on the beautiful patterned paper!
Hvor skønt!!
Dejligt med mere inspiration fra dig! -Tror det er rigtig godt for min pengepung at du trods alt ikke bor lige om hjørnet...
Lisbeth Z
EJ, et flot design du har fået lavet på din gamle blog. Jeg er imponeret over at du har overskud til to blogge. Glæder mig til at følge den.
Det bliver spændende at se - de første kort er helt vild flot. Jeg kan rigtig godt lide det. Glæder mig til at se mere af din blog.
Hi Pia, Been seeing your work on the HA Flickr site- LOVE it!!
Really like your celebrate cards And the giveaway is fantastic :)!!!
I think your cards and ideas are just great and I'm so glad you will be showcasing them on your blog!!!
Glad to see you blogging! Love the pics of Harry stealing the cards! so adorable.
Your cards are stunning!! Stamping on DP..fantastic..and I thought I wouldn't need any more butterfly punches, I saw your card and now I need that one too!!
Thanks for a sweet sweet give-away!
Your cards are the best treat, IMO!
Fabulous cards! I really like how you stamped the doily.
What a stunning card Pia....and the tag is so simple and elegant and totally divine!! Welcome back to your personal blog. I'm following right away!! Don't want to miss any of your lovely creations. xx
Hi Pia! Welcome back! It would have been a shame for you to not blog because you are so talented! I love your cards today, but that tag is estra special! Stunning!
Lovely cards! Welcome back!
welcome back to the blogosphere! I am so glad that you did not get rid of that old post - totally precious! Your cat knows talent when he sees it :)
Wow, both of these cards are so sweet! I love the detail on each one. Simply fabulous.
I'm so happy to see you have a personal blog, Pia! And, since it's all in English, I'm writing this comment in English too =)
As I just recently discovered your webshop and shop's blog, I'm sorry I weren't able to see your older posts on this blog. But I guess I can see all of the newer ones from now on =)
I'm looking forward to following this blog as well as Kreative Fornemmelser's blog - I'm sure they'll both be super inspiring!
Sooooo cute Pia love your fab cards! What a fun prize..
Welcome back. Love your cards....especially the one with the dress. Super cute. Take care and happy blogging.
Welcome back, Pia! I love your blog...and your card is wonderful!
You cards are gorgeous Pia! I have just added you to my reading list!
I love your work! Your cards are amazing! Thanks for the chance to win these adorable stamps!
Your cards are really nice. I like your blog. :)
Congrats on starting your blog again, love the cards you have here. Happy blogging.
glæder mig til at følge din blog, du laver nogle rigtig flotte kort
Louise H
can't wait to see all the cards and inspiration to come! Thanks for the giveaway.
So delightful Pia!
Your cards are so beautiful!!!
Welcome back! I love your cards! Harry can steal my cards anytime...he's gorgeous!
Love your cards! I have seen your cards on the HA flickr site and really like your work. Looking forward to seeing more cards.
So nice to find you! Love your cards, especially the Celebrate one. Patti
Hi Pia, I am a new follower, and am so glad you have decided to continue to blog, because I love love love the cards you've posted so far! Can't wait to see more :) -Aparna
I love all your cards Pia! Your cat has great taste also!!! Thanks for the chance to win...
Love the little details in your cards.
You cards are sooooooooooo beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win some awesome goodies.
LOVE the new look on your blog, Pia!! and welcome back!!! =) you always awe me with your beautiful designs and i am so happy that you are back!! =)
oh, the dress card is so lovely! Love your creations, they are awesome!
what lovely cards! Cant wait to see more ;) Thanks for the great giveaway!!!
I love your little canvas dress and the pretty neutral tones of your card - it is lovely! Glad that you have reopened your blog - welcome back!
Thank you for the chance to win such adorable stamps!!!
AWESOME great to have found you! I appreciate a chance to win too, but love the inspiration the most!
Det bliver hyggeligt, at følge dig her også. Skønne ting og sager, du altid laver.
Wonderful cards, welcome back.
Love your cards and tag!
thanks for the chance to win!
This is so much fun.. I just love your creations so far.. thanks so much for the chance to win.. crossing fingers, toes, and eyes :) hugs
Cute--Cute--Cute--I love the frog--just to cute----Nancy---mtbootleggerz@msn.com
A warm welcome!! I just found your blog through lily pad. Love the previous post with your cat stealing the card. She is adorable!!
Tak for chancen for at vinde. :) Totalt flotte kort. Endnu engang vildt imponeret!
Welcome back to blogland....
Wow Pia this is fabulous, I have long been a follower of your other blog, but I love this English one (much easier to read even with google translater!!) Always love your style!!!!!
What a great card!
Lovely work!!
Hi Pia, Congrats on your new blog. I love your work. Your cat is too funny......My dog loves to sit on my lap when I stamp.
Such beautiful cards! And I'm so glad you didn't remove your post about your cat. It's so cute!
Lovely cards and welcome back
Good that you decided to re-open your personal blog, Pia! I have seen your works somewhere but I do not get much information like the details. Thus, I am happy to know and welcome you back to your personal blog!
Evelyn @ Message Keeper
Også velkommen igen fra mig. OG samtidig tak for de fine ting du viser og inspirerer med. Vi ses på SAM kan jeg forstå. GODT jeg er startet på nyt job og kan snolde lidt igen. =0)
Også velkommen igen fra mig. OG samtidig tak for de fine ting du viser og inspirerer med. Vi ses på SAM kan jeg forstå. GODT jeg er startet på nyt job og kan snolde lidt igen. =0)
Hej Pia
Hvor kanon at du genåbner din blog. Glæder mig il at følge med - det er altid inspirerende at se dine værker :)
Welcome back friend. I remember seeing your beautiful cards in our Hero Arts Flicker group. Congrats on the store and also in your part in the pond with all the Lily Pad Frogs!
Glæder mig til at følge med på din blog, som helt sikkert vil blive én af favoritterne. Er vild med dine ideer og bliver altid inspireret af dine kreationer. God fornøjelse!
Your cards are beautiful. Thanks for sharing
I love your blog! Your cards are fabulous!
Beautiful cards! I love all your details! Gotta bookmark or subscribe so I can remember to check it out often!
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